A new product from the long line of GAPA mats adds to the range of outdoor rubber mats capable of removing rough dirt from shoes. The composition of the mat is very easy. Rubber sections placed around the stainless steel wire are used to form sections that are mutually connected with plastic connectors. The mat is again certified by TUST in Prague for functional efficiency and the result is outright unique.

The size of the mat is random, from our experience we recommend rectangular shapes. The mat can be placed freely on the floor in a tapered frame, or embedded into the floor / paving in an embedded frame.

Because rubber strips are elastic and flexible enough, the rough dirt that is caught will fall into the mat and upon rolling the mat up, the dirt can be easily swept or vacuumed.

The mat is not self-supporting, it must lie entirely on a flat surface. It is not suitable for vehicles !

Design and dimensions:

width and length according to the client's requirements

Height: 18 mm

Material: polished aluminium (or anodized) sections, smooth rubber band, stainless steel wire

Color: black

Weight: 18kg/m²


• at floor level in L-frame 20 / 30 / 3 mm

• freely placed on the floor with 65mm wide aluminium tapered frame

Maintenance: roll mat and sweep or vacuum dirt. The mat should occasionally be flipped to extend the service life

Warning: The mat is not self-supporting, it must lie entirely on a flat surface. Heavy vehicles cannot ride over the mat.